7 DIY Starbucks Protein Boxes


If you’ve ever been to Starbucks you’ve probably seen the protein boxes in the cooler case. Such a great idea, especially if you’re on the go. The selection in them could be a little better, and have some options based on various health needs. So I thought it would make sense to come up with a bunch of different variations!

These 7 DIY Starbucks Protein Boxes have something to suit everyone’s needs. Classic, Vegan, Low-Carb/Keto, Vegan Keto, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free/Gluten-Free.

A note on the bento boxes:

I’ve found some really awesome bento boxes that work great for these protein boxes. I’m loving the 3 compartments over the two compartment. I’ve had a while to test them out and they hold up great (compared to other ones I’ve had in the past). They go in the dishwasher fine, and none of the lids or bases have cracked. They also don’t appear to leak into the other compartments when there are wet items. Super happy with them. Here’s a link to them on Amazon.ca  If you’re in the US, and use Amazon.com, there isn’t the exact ones on there. But here’s a link to similar ones on Amazon.com .


Hard to go wrong with the classic!  Hard boiled eggs, sliced cheese, thin bagel or 1/2 a regular bagel (this is an O’Dough’s gf everything bagel), apple slices & natural peanut butter.


The vegan box is a little trickier to get it more balanced with protein and carbs. Rather than having plain tofu, I think a marinated tofu is MUCH tastier. The marinated tofu recipe is inspired by a recipe from Oh She Glows (in one of her cookbooks), but I modified it to my taste.

Marinated Tofu



Recipe type: Side

  • 1 block firm or extra firm tofu
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 1 tsp dried basil
  • 2 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 3 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 2 Tbsp oil
  • ½ cup balsamic vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp coconut aminos
  1. Pat dry the tofu and cut into small pieces.
  2. In a large seal-able container, add in all the ingredients except the tofu and whisk together until blended.
  3. Add in the cubed tofu and marinate for 6-12 hours or longer.
  4. Toss around the tofu every once in a while so all parts of the tofu get into the marinade.


Into the vegan box, I also added the RW Garcia lentil crackers, cashews, grapes, hummus & cucumber.



For the low carb/keto box you’ll want to keep the carbs to an absolute minimum while still getting in some great nutrients. Upon some research (but I’m no expert in keto), a great fruit option is blackberries as they are high in fiber and relatively low in sugar. That, paired with almonds, sliced cheese, green pepper (low carb veg), hard boiled eggs and black olives, you’ve got a really delicious keto-friendly option!


For those that are watching carbs, but also wanting a vegan option, this is the perfect box! Blackberries, cashews, marinated tofu (recipe above), yellow peppers, cucumber, olives and a bit of dairy-free cream cheese to dip in your veggies!


Love these add-ins for a dairy-free protein box. Store bought rotisserie chicken breast, lentil crackers, 1/2 a thin bagel, cucumber, carrots, hummus, apple slices and peanut butter.


Lots of options for gluten-free. In this box I did hard-boiled eggs, lentil gluten-free crackers, grapes, sliced cheese, cucumber and hummus.


So many things you could put in a dairy-free/gluten-free box. Put in a few of my faves. Carrots, sliced apple, vegan cream cheese to dip the apples in (psst, adding cinnamon makes it extra delish!), gluten free O’Dough’s thin bagel, grilled chicken breast, almonds & grapes.


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