Cranberry Apple Bread Pudding Gluten-Free



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Truth be told, this is only the second time I’ve had bread pudding. All I can say is…wow, I’ve been missing out! Talk about comfort food, and if you love bread (and well carbs in general) this is on a must try list. I wanted to try something different this year with holiday recipes, and thought bread pudding would be a great addition to the mix.

Typically, bread pudding is served as a dessert, but personally, I’ve been having this for breakfast or a snack! Since its not loaded with heavy cream or sugar, it makes a great breakfast option since its not rich. I chose to use unsweetened almond milk, but you can use whatever milk you prefer. Light coconut milk would also be a great option.

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To make this gluten-free I use Dempster’s Gluten Zero Bread, the whole grain version. If that’s not available where you live, just use any light in texture gluten-free bread, or if you don’t need a gluten-free option, use your favorite whole grain bread. I didn’t wait for my bread to get stale. I left it out for maybe a half an hour, so if you can do that great, but if not…no big deal. I think it works just fine with fresh or slightly stale bread.

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The yogurt drizzle, is totally optional, but its a nice little addition. I ate it with and without, so if you don’t have that on hand, not to worry. I just happened to have everything available.

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I can tell you right now that I’ll be making this again very soon. A perfect weekend breakfast or brunch idea. I will probably make some ahead to have for quick weekday breakfasts. I just warmed some up in the microwave. It loses is crunchiness, but I thought it was still delicious. I’ll make a double batch next time and put in a 9 x 13 pan, as it went far to quickly! The girls loved it too so half of it was gone the first day!

Cranberry Apple Bread Pudding Gluten-Free



Recipe type: Breakfast

  • 9 slices Dempster’s Gluten Zero Whole Grain Bread
  • 1 cup apple, chopped (I used gala)
  • 2 Tbsp butter, melted
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 egg whites (1/2 cup carton egg whites)
  • 1½ cups unsweetened almond milk (or milk of choice)
  • ⅓ cup coconut palm sugar (or another raw brown sugar)
  • 4 packets stevia (optional)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • ½ cup cranberries (fresh, or I used frozen)
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F
  2. Mist and 8×8 oven safe dish or pan with cooking spray
  3. Chop your bread into bite sized squares. Place in dish and drizzle with the melted butter. Then add in the cranberries and chopped apple. Toss lightly until cranberries and apples are distributed.
  4. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs and egg whites. Add the milk, sugar, stevia, cinnamon and vanilla. Whisk until mixed.
  5. Pour the egg/milk mixture over the bread and fruit. Lightly press down on the bread to help it absorb some of the liquid.
  6. Bake at 350 degrees F for 50 minutes until browned on top and spongy but not mushy.
  7. Allow to cool slightly, but best served warm.
  8. Leftovers can be stored in a sealed container in the fridge. Will last approx. 5 days.
Yogurt Sauce (Optional)
Mix non-fat greek yogurt with enough milk to thin to a drizzle-like consistency. Add vanilla stevia drops or a stevia packet to taste.

*Tip: If you’d like to boost the protein even more, add a scoop of vanilla protein powder into the yogurt drizzle and whisk until smooth.

Serving size: ⅙ of recipe Calories: 238 Fat: 8.7 g Carbs: 35 g Sugar: 12 g Sodium: 384 mg Fiber: 5 g Protein: 7 g Cholesterol: 72 mg




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