Easy Carrot Soup | Busy But Healthy


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With just a short list of ingredients, you have a very delicious, and easy, carrot soup. If your grocery stores are like mine, they’re stocked with huge bags of carrots, at a very reasonable price. Why not stock up, and make soup, and freeze it to enjoy all winter? Sounds like a plan to me!

Sometimes homemade soup can seem like quite a task, but this recipe is quick and the prep is minimal. The best part is you’ll have a yummy soup in 30 minutes.

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I find the thyme and dill go really great in this recipe, but if you prefer other herbs, then by all means, switch it up for the herbs you prefer.

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If you’d like to add some creaminess to this soup, you could mix in some yogurt. Just be sure the soup isn’t too hot, and opt for a 2% + milk fat or else it could curdle. Another dairy-free option would be adding in unsweetened coconut milk or almond milk after you puree the soup.

Easy Carrot Soup



Recipe type: Side

  • 4 cups chicken stock (I used 1 carton of Pacific Organic Low Sodium Chicken Broth)
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cup onion, chopped
  • 4 cups carrots, peeled and chopped (about 6 medium carrots)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 3 springs fresh thyme
  • ⅓ cup fresh dill, chopped
  • ½ tsp unflavored liquid stevia (or 2 packets) Optional
  • Optional: salt & pepper to taste
  1. In a large pot, heat over medium heat. Mist with oil. Add chopped onion and carrot and saute until it starts to soften. Add the garlic and saute a couple more minutes.
  2. Then, add the chicken stock and water.
  3. Simmer together until the carrots are soft (about 15 minutes)
  4. Meanwhile, chop the dill and thyme (remember to strip the thyme leaves off the stalk).
  5. When there’s 5 minutes left in cooking, add the fresh herbs and season with salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Remove from heat, and puree the soup with a hand blender or blend in batches in a regular blender.

Serving size: 1 cup Calories: 57 Fat: 0.2 g Carbs: 12 g Sugar: 4 g Sodium: 106 mg Fiber: 3 g Protein: 3 g




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