Raspberry Coconut Smoothie Popsicles – Great for Kids!


Dairy Free Raspberry Coconut Smoothie Popsicles, perfect for making with kids during the summer! These wholesome, healthy popsicles feel like such a treat, with no refined sugar or dairy!

Dairy Free Raspberry Coconut Smoothie Popsicles, perfect for making with kids during the summer! These wholesome, healthy popsicles feel like such a treat, with no refined sugar or dairy!

As I recently got my hands on some popsicle moulds, I’ve been dying to share a recipe for something super simple and fun that’s great to make with kids! To be honest, I’ve been a bit scared of shooting frozen recipes, because I didn’t like the idea of having such a time limit on a shoot before my food became a puddle. Silly right? So I just decided to get over it and shoot these anyway and see how they came out!

Dairy Free Raspberry Coconut Smoothie Popsicles, perfect for making with kids during the summer! These wholesome, healthy popsicles feel like such a treat, with no refined sugar or dairy!

Well, it turns out, making raspberry coconut smoothie into a popsicle, and throwing a bunch of other stuff on top is a great idea. You’ve got the benefit of all the fruit, plus no refined sugar, so these are a great, guilt free summer snack!

Dairy Free Raspberry Coconut Smoothie Popsicles, perfect for making with kids during the summer! These wholesome, healthy popsicles feel like such a treat, with no refined sugar or dairy!

I loved these so much, I’m definitely going to be making a few variations of them before the end of summer. You could easily swap out the raspberries for something else if you’re not a fan. Blueberries, strawberries or blackberries would also work really well. If you don’t like coconut milk, any other plant based milk would work.

Check out my complete guide to plant based milks to learn a bit more about their differences and sustainability.

Dairy Free Raspberry Coconut Smoothie Popsicles, perfect for making with kids during the summer! These wholesome, healthy popsicles feel like such a treat, with no refined sugar or dairy!

Give these raspberry coconut smoothie popsicles a try and let me know in the comments what you think!

Raspberry Coconut Smoothie Popsicles

Dairy Free Raspberry Coconut Smoothie Popsicles, perfect for making with kids during the summer! These wholesome, healthy popsicles feel like such a treat, with no refined sugar or dairy!

Prep Time10 minutes

Total Time4 hours 10 minutes

Course: Snacks

Cuisine: Vegan

Servings: 4 popsicles

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Smoothie Base

  • 1 Ripe Banana
  • 1/2 cup (40g) Raspberries
  • 1/2 cup (120ml) Coconut Milk from a can
  • 1 tablespoon Maple Syrup


  • Dark Chocolate
  • Desiccated Coconut
  • Raspberries
  • Pistachio Nuts
  • Anything else you like!

  • Put all the ingredients for the smoothie base into a blender, and blend thoroughly until completely smooth.

  • Pour the mixture into your popsicle moulds, add sticks and freeze for at least 4 hours.

  • To remove the popsicles, run the outside of the mould briefly under lukewarm water to loosen it, then pull it out.

  • If desired, top with melted chocolate and other toppings!

Will keep in the freezer for up to 3 months.


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