Red Hot Berry Protein Parfait


Not only is this RED HOT BERRY PROTEIN PARFAIT easy as 1-2-3, but it will give you a kick of heat to get your metabolism going first thing in the morning.

These Red Hot Berry Protein Parfaits have a kick of spice that will get your metabolism working in no time. This is the easiest breakfast or snack, especially for those who don't have much time in the mornings. Click through to get one of the best parfaits you'll ever have!

Breakfast. Can we talk about it a bit here. I have struggled with it my entire life.

If I could have my way and make all the rules, I would wake up early and drink two large mugs of coffee over the course of a few hours. You know, the amount of time it takes for me to fully wake up and become a functioning human. I’d then get the kiddo up and off to school, get in a workout and shower, and then I would finally make my way toward thinking about breakfast.

Don’t get me wrong, I love me some breakfast food. Oatmeal is totally my jam. I eat it all the time and absolutely love it. I’d just prefer to have it at about 10 or 11 in the morning instead of first thing.

I read something not long ago that said you shouldn’t wait more than 90 minutes after waking up to eat breakfast. Oops. You also shouldn’t drink coffee on an empty stomach. Double oops. I totally fail on both of these things.

In the new year, I have incorporated a daily task tracker that includes all the things I would like to accomplish in a day. You know, the normal things. Drink 64 ounces of water. Exercise daily. Write in my journal. Take a daily selfie … wait, what? Don’t ask…

Anyway, so I’ve also made sure to write BREAKFAST on my daily tasks. Most people don’t have to have a reminder to eat breakfast, but well, as you can see, this is a struggle for me. All through high school, I never ate breakfast. Most of my adult years. No breakfast. I try and try, and I’m able to make it happen if I consciously think about it, but if I revert back to what feels natural, I go back to an 11am breakfast.

Back to the tracker… so I’ve been keeping it for a few weeks now. Can I tell you how many days I’ve marked off breakfast? ZERO. A big fat ZERO times. Ask me how many times I’ve been able to mark off selfie… c’mon ask me…


and if you must know why the selfie… i’ve wanted to do this for the longest time, and i’m finally doing it.

So, as someone who is constantly working on self-improvement and bettering their faults, I truly am working on this. I would love to make eating breakfast first thing in the morning a habit. Even if it’s something small.

These Red Hot Berry Protein Parfaits have a kick of spice that will get your metabolism working in no time. This is the easiest breakfast or snack, especially for those who don't have much time in the mornings. Click through to get one of the best parfaits you'll ever have!

That’s why I totally love Yoplait® yogurt. Especially the Greek 100 varieties. It’s the perfect solution for my lack of breakfast conformity. More than anything, I love amping it up a bit to make it exactly what I want it to be and turning it into something more than just a cup of yogurt. I’m always topping it with granola and berries or nuts and apples. Anything to basically 1-up my cup.

I really hope this is the solution that will help me start being better about eating breakfast in the morning. With the dozens and dozens of flavors Walmart carries and all the ways I can mix it up, there are literally hundreds of ways I can keep breakfast interesting.

I need lots and lots of topping ideas. How would you 1-Up Your Cup of yogurt?

These Red Hot Berry Protein Parfaits have a kick of spice that will get your metabolism working in no time. This is the easiest breakfast or snack, especially for those who don't have much time in the mornings. Click through to get one of the best parfaits you'll ever have!
These Red Hot Berry Protein Parfaits have a kick of spice that will get your metabolism working in no time. This is the easiest breakfast or snack, especially for those who don't have much time in the mornings. Click through to get one of the best parfaits you'll ever have!

Red Hot Berry Protein Parfait


Servings: 1 parfait



  • Blend together yogurt, banana, frozen strawberries, cinnamon, cayenne, and protein powder. Blend on high until smooth.

  • Pour half of yogurt mixture in a cup or bowl. Add fresh berries. Add remaining yogurt mixture and top with more fresh berries.

Looking for more healthy breakfast ideas?

Looking for a delicious green smoothie that's full of greens but tastes sweet, creamy, and fruity? This is the one for you! And if you want to make it a meal-replacement, Click through for a quick cheat-sheet for you that'll help you out! It's FREE!

Cream Machine Green Smoothie

These Red Hot Berry Protein Parfaits have a kick of spice that will get your metabolism working in no time. This is the easiest breakfast or snack, especially for those who don't have much time in the mornings. Click through to get one of the best parfaits you'll ever have!


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