Savory Pink Grapefruit Salad


savory grapefruit salad

I don’t want to tell you how many cookies I ate at the cookie swap and in the days that followed. Just know that it was way too many. Truth be told I did share my loot from the swap with my kids, and I did try to take only tiny bites of everything. But wow. So many cookies from so many talented bakers…it was hard not to overindulge.

It will therefore come as no surprise to hear that I woke up all sugar’ed out today. And since I’m taking a cookie decorating class with none other than Gail Dosik/aka One Tough Cookie this weekend(!!!), I decided to spend a few days “eating clean”. Enter this Savory Grapefruit Salad.

This salad is based on a citrus one Tamar Adler describes on page 97 of her lovely book An Everlasting Meal. I love this book. LOVE. You should get it. Because you will love it, too 😉

To make enough of this salad to feed one person (maybe two), you start with one large pink grapefruit. Using a very sharp knife, slice the skin off the top and bottom so your grapefruit sits flat. Then, working from the top of the grapefruit to the bottom, slice all the skin off the grapefruit.

peeling a grapefruit

Make sure to slice away all the white “pith” because it’s bitter.

peeledsss pink grapefruit

Next, slice the grapefruit crosswise into 5-6 segments (you could “supreme” it instead, if you like; that would give the salad a different look). Then take a small handful of very thinly sliced onion which you’ve doused with a bit of rice vinegar, and arrange it haphazardly over the grapefruit slices. Sprinkle a little coarse sea salt on top.

pink grapefruit salad

Now it’s time to slice up some pitted olives (I used vibrant green Castelvetrano olives, but any kind will do), and toss them over the salad. Then drizzle some olive oil on top. Go ahead. Be generous 🙂

pink grapefruit olive salad

Somehow I left off the chile flakes Tamar put in her description, but I will certainly add them next time. And while I didn’t have any on hand, I think some minced parsley would add a nice touch to this salad. I think additional greens would work in here, too, and I plan to make it again soon with some hearty baby lettuces from my garden.

savory pink grapefruit salad

More Savory Citrus Salads:

My Endive and Satsuma Mandarin Salad
Mark Bittman’s Winter Citrus Salad
Blood Orange Spinach Salad from Recipe Girl
Heart of Palm and Blood Orange Salad from The Wednesday Chef


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