Vegetarian Make-Ahead Freezer Breakfast Sandwiches


Spend an hour or so getting these Vegetarian Make-Ahead Freezer Sandwiches together, and you’ll have healthy homemade breakfasts for before work, school, or sports for a couple weeks!

Vegetarian Make-Ahead Breakfast Sandwiches - spend an hour or so getting these sandwiches together for healthy homemade breakfasts before work, school, or sports | Happy Food Healthy Life

Two posts in one day?! What is going on?! Oh, I’ll tell you what’s going on. I’m the biggest procrastinator ever. I was supposed to post the vegetarian sausage patties yesterday, but well… Monday’s are hard, right?


Especially when they involve dropping your only child off to the first day of third grade, even though it feels like you just brought him home from the hospital last week. Waaaahhh! (Did you see how grown up my boy looks here on Instagram??)  Before I know it he’s going to be driving, graduating high school, and off to college. Ahhh!

Oh, I know what will make it better… spending half the day looking at the last 9 years of pictures starting from the day he was born… you know, part of the procrastination process. And then we add tears into the mix. Then we decide that a perfect snack for those tears would be a couple spoonfuls (or 6) of cookie dough from the back of the freezer.

And then you realize you should probably work out because of said cookie dough. Throw in a headache and an afternoon appointment, and my day was pretty much shot. Point is, things just didn’t get done quite as timely as they should’ve yesterday.

But let’s talk about one thing I did get right yesterday.

Vegetarian Make-Ahead Breakfast Sandwiches - spend an hour or so getting these sandwiches together for healthy homemade breakfasts before work, school, or sports | Happy Food Healthy Life

For the first day of school, I was totally prepared.

His bag was packed.

His lunch was made (although I really did almost forget about the fact that I had to make a lunch for him until the night before).

His first day of school outfit was laid out (oh except for the fact that it turns out the “color of red does not meet the school’s uniform dress code”… smh).

And there were no arguments about breakfast!

Okay, my kid LOVES convenience foods, especially ones that come from the freezer. Frozen burritos. Hot pockets. Pizza Rolls. Toaster Strudels. Ugh! You may be asking how the heck he’s exposed to those things if I preach a healthy lifestyle. Good question!

Here’s the thing – he lives with me 50% of the time. The other 50%, he gets to eat the foods his dad provides. I try try try, but it is not my place to tell his dad how he should and shouldn’t run his household. Hardest part of parenting with an ex EVER. Ok, I digress.

So, those frozen foods that the kiddo loves. I got to thinking – what the hell is in those things?! Pure junk, that’s what! I had to take matters into my own hands and make sure I was at least doing my part for the 50% of his life that he’s actually with me.

I had made whole wheat english muffins before. And I just discovered making vegetarian breakfast sausage patties. Why not turn these into breakfast sandwiches that can just be grabbed from the freezer and microwaved for a minute or two in the morning?! Brilliant.

Vegetarian Make-Ahead Breakfast Sandwiches - spend an hour or so getting these sandwiches together for healthy homemade breakfasts before work, school, or sports | Happy Food Healthy Life

And the verdict is that there was no complaining at all. He didn’t miss the other crap. He didn’t wish he was eating a toaster strudel. He absolutely loved the breakfast sandwich I made, and I felt like the best mom ever. It’s the little things I do that all add up.

Sure, making these sandwiches took a little chunk out of one morning last week, but they are going to last us a long time, plus I had extra sausages and english muffins left over that I can use for other meals. Total win!

Here is the vegetarian black bean sausage recipe: (ps, ugliest food ever to photograph…)


Vegetarian Black Bean Sausage - Miss sausage on a meat-free diet and don't want to partake in faux-meat soy products? These "sausage" patties are perfect for mornings and can be made ahead to freeze! | Happy Food Healthy Life

And here is the Whole Wheat English Muffin recipe:


Homemade Whole Wheat English Muffins -

(Tweet “How about a make-ahead breakfast sandwich that’s totally #vegetarian and full of #realfood?”)

Vegetarian Make-Ahead Breakfast Sandwiches - spend an hour or so getting these sandwiches together for healthy homemade breakfasts before work, school, or sports | Happy Food Healthy Life

Vegetarian Make-Ahead Freezer Breakfast Sandwiches




  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a regular muffin tin with nonstick spray or coat with coconut oil.

  • Crack eggs in each portion of the muffin tin and bake for about 20-25 minutes, or until eggs have set.

  • Let eggs cool slightly so they don’t make the english muffins soggy.

  • Once everything is about room temperature, build your sandwiches. English muffin bottom, sausage, a pinch of cheese, egg, and english muffin top.

  • Wrap tightly in saran wrap and place in freezer-safe bag. Let freeze for up to 3 months.

  • To reheat, take sandwich out the bag, but keep wrapped in plastic wrap and place on a microwave-safe plate. Microwave for 30 seconds. Turn over and microwave for 30 seconds more. Remove plastic wrap and check for done-ness. It may need another 15-20 seconds in the microwave.

If you make this recipe, be sure to snap a picture, upload it to Instagram and tag me (@happyfoodholly) and use the hashtag #inspiredbyholly

Vegetarian Make-Ahead Breakfast Sandwiches - spend an hour or so getting these sandwiches together for healthy homemade breakfasts before work, school, or sports | Happy Food Healthy Life

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